Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Russian or Ukrainian?

After yesterday's history lesson, I thought it would be fun to teach a Ukrainian word, phrase, or custom occasionally. (started to say "daily" but I might not be that disciplined!)  When it comes to language, the first question to answer is "Russian or Ukrainian?"  The answer is both.

My understanding is that Russian and Ukrainian are used equally across Ukraine.  Russian is the predominate language in cities in southern, eastern, and northern Ukraine.  Western Ukraine speaks predominantly Ukrainian.  You might find exceptions in villages.  You will find people who speak a mix of both Ukrainian and Russian.  My 3 Ukrainian children all speak Russian but they studied Ukrainian in school.  All of my friends and  partners in Ukraine speak Russian; although Ukrainian is the official language and I am sure they know Ukrainian and can use it.  I, personally, have chosen to study Russian.  If you are going to be traveling there, you would be wise to find out which language is used predominantly at your destination; as well as what language your child speaks if you are adopting.   If he or she speaks Russian, stay tuned here for a few русских слов (Russian words) you should know before you go.

1 comment:

  1. Some of your readers might find the following useful (also to see the differences between Ukrainian and Russian):
    Free Ukrainian vocab here: http://www.funkyukrainian.com/learnukrainian/vocab/
    Free Russian vocab here:
