Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Introductions in Russian

Privyet!  So now that we can say hello in Russian, both formally and informally, lets learn how to ask someone their name.  This is a good question to know how to ask when you are visiting an orphanage or a group of hosted children.  The informal way is by asking “Как тебя зовут?”  pronounced kak te-BYA za-VOOT.  Literally this means “how you they call” but is equivalent to “what is your name” in English.  In a formal situation, you would “Как вас зовут? ?” pronounced kak vas za-VOOT?  The person will respond with their name.  To introduce yourself simply say “Меня зовут...  Suzette” , pronounced “men-YA za-VOOT  Suzette”.  Literally this means “Me they call Suzette.”  Here is a link for listening to introductions:

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